Monday, August 24, 2009

a Love/Hate relationship

UG! this bag was a piece of work. I saw this fabric in the clearance bin at IKEA. Isn't is great? I was specifically looking for the perfect material for a new bag for me. One that is not too big- like our diaper bag, and one that is not to small, like my seat belt bag (that I LOVE). Plus I needed it to be cheap. I wanted to take my chances and try to create one. And let me tell you- it wasn't the bag that was hard- it was dealing with my machine! its about a million years old. And then every now and then i'd make a few stupid mistakes! and both those together means I have to unpick. I HATE unpicking. I have had my mom unpick for me several times :) haha.
I started working on this bag, and found some other material that I also loved. so I started on that one. threw this one to the side.
while this poor bag was sitting in the corner my mom picked up and claimed it. So I think it is going to her. I don't know if it is good enough to go to anyone though :) haha. there are somethings on the bag that, if I could do over without unpicking, I would. but since I would have to unpick....they are staying.
this morning I finially finished the last few things on it. ug, more unpicking. sometimes we just have those projects that are going to be difficult. like this one.
so here it is. It is made of the IKEA fabric on the outside, scraps on the inside (which is why they don't match). I added the key hook for my mom.... and other things....
AH! even my pictures are crappy. I swear this bag is cursed!


Oh, we were in the fabric store and my mom saw a picture "European bag" so I made the handles like those- you can kind of see it in the first picture above, interesting huh. I just did one handle though not two....