Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photo: a Chocolate affair

A friend of mine's family...does that makes sense? let me re-phrase that...my friends extended family owns a chocolate shop (and half of scentsy). So she has the hook-up. They asked her to do a facebook page for their shop. And she accepted. but she needed pictures. And I took some pictures.. this was back before Easter.

A few weeks ago they asked me to take some more pictures of their chocolates. mostly just stock photos.  not too exciting here. but you still can't help but drool.

My kids were all about these. Jack totally stole one and ate behind my back. Other than that ONE chocolate stolen (I had already taken his photo, lucky for JACK!) they are all still sitting on my counter. chocolate anyone? sorry. you have to bring me dinner. this week the lucky members of my ward who volunteered to bring me dinner (cause I just had a baby) will be going home with a very sincere thank you note and yummy chocolate.
ANYWAY, back to my kids. (I keep getting sidetracked) Sydney got REALLY into these. She helped me arrange and rearrange. She became the towel girl, and the hand me the chocolate girl. Then she wanted to do her own chocolates. She taped up her own white background and stole my iPhone and started shooting. you can find her shots at the end of this post. funny girl.

Preece Designer Chocolates
Meridian Idaho

Sydney Pictures: