Monday, March 28, 2011

Springtime Girl's Dress Tutorial

Springtime Girl's Dress Tutorial
Dress instructions with Options A: Bowed Back and Option B: Bunchie Skirt.

Ready to make a simple fun dress? If your little girl is anything like mine, she lives in dresses! I hope you enjoy this tutorial. It is hard to go wrong with this dress. Very detailed instructions are given, but don't be overwhelmed.  Once you get started you will see how truly simple and quick this dress is! Happy Stitching...

Materials needed :
  • ·         11/3 yards fabric*
  • ·         2 inch Elastic
  • ·         Needle and thread (for Options A and B)
*I used a textured fabric much like a Tutti Frutti material.

STEP 1:  Measurements  and Cutting

Measurements will vary depending upon the size of your child. However there are a few standard amounts to add for seam allowances and hems. 
A. Measure around chest of child and add about 3 inches. (2 inches for comfort and movement and 1 inch for seams.) If you are making this for a very small girl maybe only at 1or 1.5 inches for comfort.  My number was 23 + 3 = 26 in.
Cut your 2 inch elastic to this length.

            B. Measure from the front of the chest to the back where straps will lay. Again this will vary, mine   was    12 inches.  Cut a strip of fabric the width of the yard (so 45in) x 4 inches. Set a side. This will be used for straps.  (Do Not Cut length of strap yet. You should just have one long 4 in. piece to accommodate for Option A). 

                 C.  Measure from chest to desired length.  Add 5 inches for seams.  If you would like to do Option B: Bunchie  Skirt add another 5 inches or so.  My measurement was 30+5+5= 40 inches.Cut fabric to this length. We will use the entire natural width of the material. 

STEP 2: Sewing the Hems and Seams. 

A.     First iron down about ¼ of an inch on the top of the fabric.
B.     Then fold again and iron another 2.5 inches and pin into place. This will be the top of the dress.
C.     Sew from one end to the other close to the edge of fold, reinforcing ends.
D.      Make a ½ inch inseam on the bottom raw edge.

 STEP 3: Sewing the dress closed and elastic in. 

A.      Sew right sides together along length of dress from bottom up stopping BEFORE sew the large 2 inch inseam closed. Leave that open for your elastic.
B.      Thread your elastic through inseam using a large safety pin. Once through, overlap elastic and sew together with a zigzag stitch.
C.     Pull edges of fabric together over showing elastic and sew closed with another zigzag stitch.

Now you should have basically a tube top and you just need to sew on the straps! 

STEP 4: Sewing on the Straps

First take your one long strip of fabric and cut it in half.  Sew right sides together and turn inside out. Press flat.  Put the dress on your little girl and pin straps in place. (Make sure that the material is even scrunched around the front and back to avoid large clumps of material) There is no science to the pin of the straps, just what looks appropriate and comfortable!  Take off carefully; don’t poke her with a pin! 

A.      Sew front straps on the inside of dress where pinned. It’s okay to sew over the elastic and scrunched up material. Again on this I used a zigzag stitch. STOP- if you would like to do Option A now is the time, refer to instructions below… otherwise continue. Repeat for the back and trim off excess material!! 

And you are done!!  Way easy, cheap and fun!


Instead of sewing the back straps on the inside of the dress sew them on the same location you pinned them just the outside of the dress. 

A.      (already done)
B.      Take the end of the strap and fold it over about 2 inches.
C.       Fold again overlapping about 4 inches.  There should be a small gap of strap left next to the dress.
D.       Take a threaded needle and in and out through the middle of the 4 inch fold making sure to catch all layers.
E.       Synch tight and wrap thread around and secure. You have a bow! Now just twist it so that is lines up with the strap and sew on with the needle and thread. Repeat to the other side!

Truly the bows can be worn either front or back, but me and my daughter decided the surprise bows in the back were the best.


This is so simple it’s ridiculous but so fun.  Hang the dress up so you can visualize the skirt well. 

A.       Pinch together about 4-5 inches of fabric.
B.      From the bottom thread needle through both layers of fabric, but only just a tiny amount. Loop through twice. Pull tight and tie in knot with other end of thread. Let fabric fall back over stitch. Repeat to your heart’s desire alternating levels on the dress! (I think I did about 10 all around.) 

  • ·         Add large buttons at bottom of straps.
  • ·         Make a matching bow can be pinned in dress on one side.
  • ·         Sew on Lace border to bottom.